About Us

Pro-Active Solutions for Physiotherapy
Pro-Active Physiotherapy was established in 1999 by owner and principal Physiotherapist, Warren Ansell at the Murray Street Practice in Tamworth.
At the time, Warren employed one staff member, a receptionist, and was busy instructing group fitness classes as well as treating clinically. In 2000, Warren was fortunate enough to close the practice for a couple of weeks as he was selected to assist as a Physiotherapist at the Sydney Olympics.
Our Growth
From the Murray Street practice, Pro-Active moved to Belmore Street in West Tamworth in 2002 where with more space several more therapists were employed including massage therapists. This building became the home of Pro-Active for 11 years. With the growth of the practice came the ability to forge brilliant relationships with universities and sporting bodies in which we are lucky enough to continue with today. In 2013, Warren tried to expand the Belmore Street practice further however due to new zoning rules, he was unable to do so and therefore the hunt for a new home was on.
Our Expansion
In September 2015, we moved into our current clinic 4 Bligh Street which hosts a significantly greater space. This has allowed the Pro-Active team to continue to expand. We now host a dietician, exercise physiologist, massage therapist, personal trainer and physiotherapists which has helped us turn into a one stop shop.


Where we Are now
With over 16 health and fitness professionals on staff, more than 100 years of experience and 8 different universities, Pro-Active Physiotherapy and Sports Workshop is proud to serve the Tamworth and surrounding communities.
We believe that given our diverse knowledge, experience and expertise, it is our collaborative approach to care that is one of the most effective tools in treating our patients.